Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Soup for all the senses

I have realized today just how much I appreciate autumn.  The change of seasons, the slight chill in the air, a rain-scented breeze flowing through my kitchen ... it speaks of art.  The color of the harvest, the scent of a wood fire, the sounds of crickets and cicadas and birds, the taste of a home-cooked meal, the feel of a chef's knife in my right hand and a stack of carrots in my left.  Deftly peeling tomatoes over the sink.  This is my picture of perfection.

I made a huge pot of soup today.  I started the stock yesterday.  With DP's help I put together all the odds and ends.  Chicken legs from the freezer, a chopped onion, carrot peelings and tops, celery trimmings, and a few cloves of garlic.  I tossed in the appropriate seasonings, filled it almost to the brim with water, popped the lid in place and put it on to boil.  It bubbled musically all afternoon and evening, until I turned it off after dinner.  This morning I put it back on the stove to let it boil for another hour, and then gave it time to cool down.  After straining, jarring some extra, and somehow taking all afternoon to finish those simple tasks, it was nearing 5pm.  I have a hungry man walking in the door at 6pm, which meant time to get down to business.

Lentils, carrots, celery, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, green beans, and corn.  What a variety of flavors!  I love vegetable soup.  The labor of love it takes to create such a simple seeming meal, from water to full bellies, a day and a half's worth of work, hours of stirring, watching, chopping, testing, seasoning, prepping.  All the while this afternoon I was blanching, peeling, and canning 20 pounds of fresh tomatoes ... I was busy!  Plus the toddler and baby underfoot made for a joyfully hectic day.  I love them and the liveliness they bring into a room.  <3

It all came together, somehow; my 10 plus jars of tomatoes, a stockpot's worth of vegetable soup, two napping little boys and my own mood in a sunny place. 

From nothing, something.  Full bellies and a thankful spirit.  I couldn't have asked for more today.

1 comment:

  1. you need some images! You have a nice calming voice.
